Covid-19 update

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Covid-19 update
Frances Perry House has updated its visitor guidelines, effective from Tuesday 1 December.
The main changes are:
1. Two designated support people can now be present during labour and birth.
2. New parents who are transferred to The Grand Hyatt Melbourne for its parenting program can have their baby’s siblings stay or visit with no time limit. They can also have two designated visitors each day, again with no time limit.
For the moment, outpatients are still required to attend their WOGS appointments alone (except in exceptional circumstances, in which case permits must be obtained in advance). This is due to the fact that we are required to adhere to social distancing regulations in all areas, including our waiting room. We, of course, still welcome partners/support people participating in appointments via FaceTime.
WOGS remain committed to doing everything we can to safeguard the health and wellbeing of our patients, their families and our own staff.
We will update you all as soon as the visitor guidelines change, and we would like to thank you again for your continued patience and understanding.